
I'm done...

I'm done...with this part at least. I'll never really be finished - technology keeps comin' -- LIFELONG learning, remember? I really enjoyed the discover 2.0 program. I learned more than I thought I would. Now I'm an even bigger know-it-all than when I started. How is everyone going to put up with me?

I've shared a lot of my new discoveries with my family, friends, patrons, even some of the teens. There's so much out there to discover. This program gave us the tools to find some of it. I really encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity. Find the time...it's worth it.

Where's my day off?

microbrewing...no, no, microblogging

Now I get it. Twitter. Similar to the "status updates" on MySpace. But somehow you can get the messages on your phone? Now I feel old...out of the loop. I know a couple kids who rave about dodgeball. Not the game where you throw balls at each other. It's a site similar to twitter. I guess it's a nice idea if you have a lot of friends already on it. No one in my address book was on twitter. Maybe I'm on the cutting edge now...

I like microblogging. I found some pretty cool stuff. After this discover 2.0 journey, I think I'll get into microblogging at Tumblr.com. Seems like a great way to store and share all the random stuff I find online.


I found some interesting podcasts at podcast alley. It took a really long time for any of them to load, but I think it might be because this computer is getting tired. I didn't really like iTunes -- too commercial.